Tag: Church

How it Continued: Church Hurt Part 2

I thought leaving that church would be the end of it. 

I left for college with naïve confidence. Being out on my own, making my own choices, this meant I was going to get church right, and church was going to be right, be what it was supposed to be in my life.                                                                                                                         

And yet a few months ago and just as many years as I spent in that first church later, I found myself triggered in pews and more … continue reading

Where it All Began: Church Hurt Part 1

This is where it all started.

That first church, that welcomed me as a newborn in the nursery here. Then into kids’ classes.

Baptized here, youth group here, a pianist here.

My mom the secretary, my dad head deacon, and oh so many days spent here.

Fervent prayers. Deep friendships. Beautiful music.

And the first several years of my life that was all I knew here. Or at least all I remember. The best of playing with friends, the joy … continue reading

The Story of Us- Part 2- The Beginning

Oh sweet girl, how I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and a million times more if I need to: You were never, ever plan B.

How often does the world of adoption and foster care get assumed on the infertile and barren? As if God said, the child-losing should take care of the parent-losing. But no, He said His children should care for the orphans, and there’s more than enough of us for them and yet they … continue reading

The Sanctity of the Miscarried Life: 20 Ways to Help a Sufferer

I remember sitting in the service on Sanctity of Life Sunday, expecting the usual pro-life lectures, anti-abortion stances, but what came next surprised me.

Because in that Sanctity of Life series the topics were on foster care and miscarriage.

And I still feel just about as stunned now at remembering it as I did then sitting there hearing it for the first time.

What kind of church takes the podium on Sanctity of Life Sunday and leaves the opportunity to … continue reading