
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here at “Sorrow Rejoicing”, where I share my open thoughts about loss and life, grief and God, and heaviness and hope. 

My name is Emily Hart, and I am a disciple of Jesus and homeschooling mama. I’m a foster mom turned adoptive mom, bio mom, and “hope mom” to two little ones in heaven. 

After God walked our family through a season of intense loss, I began searching for a solid theology of suffering. There were so many questions that came to me like an army: Where was the middle ground between plastic smiles or total despair? What was the difference between lament and complaint? Can someone who is going through darkness be #blessed? And the really big ones: Was God really good? Did He love me, me specifically? Was He in control, and if so, why was such tragedy in His plan for me?

I cannot tell you I have all the answers, but I can tell you God is slowly revealing His hand. This site is where I share some of what He’s taught me, while simultaneously sharing the raw hard of grief and pain. 

We read of a mystery in 2 Corinthians 6:10, which is that we can be “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing”. This verse has been a huge gift to me through the hard journeys, and finding a posture of both sorrow and joy a path to a more grounded theology of suffering. I hope that you will join me on this path here, and find yourself also able to allow sorrow and joy to coincide. May you too, when suffering, find your sorrow rejoicing. 

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